Long Beach Post: "Long Beach Councilman Rex Richardson will become vice mayor for the second time in his six-year stint on the council after being selected by fellow members in a 5-4 vote Tuesday night.
"The 37-year-old Richardson, who represents North Long Beach, previously served as vice mayor from 2016-2018 and will begin a second two-year stint as vice mayor going forward as the new City Council was sworn in Tuesday...
"Richardson called for a move to unity after a year that was a challenging one for the council as it worked through the issues brought forward by the COVID-19 pandemic. Richardson asked the rest of the council to move into 2021 together and work toward common goals as the city tries to recover from the pandemic.
“This was our final election of the year and moving forward we should attempt to work together,” Richardson said. “No matter what side you were on this was the final election.”
Read more at: https://lbpost.com/news/councilman-rex-richardson-elected-to-a-second-term-as-vice-mayor